A recurring and mysterious concept in Japanese culture, the “space between things” is the topic of a book by Michiko Okano, professor at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo
Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz was awarded the Armando de Salles Oliveira Medal by USP President João Grandino Rodas. It is the highest honor awarded by the Paulista institution
Brazilian researchers hope improvements to the Mario Schenberg detector and creative participation by North America’s aLIGO will launch Brazil into the age of gravitational astronomy
Study helps to uncover the mechanism that leads to X-linked hypophosphatemia, a genetic disease that affects bone mineralization and causes osteomalacia.
Explosions of giant stars accelerate energy particles powerfully enough to spread them across the entire galaxy, striking the Earth constantly, say scientists
Sherry Turkle, a specialist in relations between technology and society at MIT, warns about the risk of hoping that robots and artificial intelligence products will resolve relationship problems or cure loneliness.
FAPESP symposium brings together specialists in several fields who will spend the next five years researching what happened in the Amazon in the last 20 million years. One of the objectives is to provide a complete overview of the origin of the region’s biodiversity
Micromechanical oscillators created by a Brazilian researcher in partnership with U.S. scientists pave the way for the use of light in computer microchips to carry information.
Patients receiving hematopoietic stem cell transplants should first undergo rigorous cardiac screening, say scientists from USP and Northwestern University.
The International Journal of Astrobiology has dedicated an edition to articles based on the conferences held at the São Paulo Advanced School of Sciences on Astrobiology, sponsored by FAPESP.
A study on the intestinal function of insects enhances researchers’ understanding of these animals and could lead to innovative methods for combatting disease and controlling agricultural pests.
Program developed by Brazilian researcher for the iPhone and iPad processes and converts numerical data on solar explosions and particle emissions into graphs.
Carlos Joly is one of five representatives from Latin America and the Caribbean at the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.
New work offers a collection of articles and reports published by Julio Abramczyk in the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper and portrays scientific coverage in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.
Aside from patenting the Araraquara hantavirus antigenic protein and distributing it throughout Brazil and South America, researchers from the University of São Paulo School of Medicine are investigating other emerging viruses including Oropouche and human Bocavirus.
Sirius Project has an estimated cost of R$ 650 million and is slated for conclusion in 2016. The laboratory is expected to attract prominent international researchers.
FAPESP-funded studies coordinated by Marise Lazaretti Castro (Unifesp) reveal that the incidence of vitamin deficiency in the population of São Paulo is high, especially among older individuals.
Former University of São Paulo president receives a US$ 500,000 Lifetime Achievement award as the winner of the Zayed Future Energy Prize in the United Arab Emirates.
Creation of a common environment is fundamental for nations in the region to survive changes in the global economy, says Facamp and Unicamp professor Luiz Gonzaga Belluzzo.
Investment inflow from foreign companies and the internationalization of Brazilian corporations still have not generated the desired effects for the country’s economic development, says Roberto Borghi (Cambridge).
Thematic Project conducted by the USP Public Health School organizes cataloguing of Anopheles genus mosquitoes and increases the number of known species by 76%. The material will be used in research for years to come.
Substances produced by the membrane of the interior part of the placenta could stimulate liver regeneration. The next step is to isolate molecules and discover how they act.
Study analyzes the plans for building Brazil’s roadway network, drafted between 1869 and 1889, the modernizing forces that inspired them and the conservative resistance that caused them to fail.
Study shows that the level of heavy metals in organisms living in marine sediment was slightly higher in submarine outfall than that found in seawater.
Researchers from USP, UFSCar and other institutions develop film for mirrors and metal structures that will support the 100 telescopes in the Cherenkov Telescope Array.
The objective now is to create a genetically modified plant that produces a type of lignin that is easier to separate from cellulose, easing the production process of second generation ethanol, explains Paulo Mazzafera (Unicamp), coordinator of the FAPESP Thematic Project.
Translational medicine speeds knowledge transfer and integrates basic and clinical research, says Eduardo Moacyr Krieger, coordinator of the Translation Cardiology Program at InCor.
Scientists from different nations define priority topics for one of the largest studies on the topic, which is expected to be part of an international call for proposals released by FAPESP.
Made from cheap, ubiquitous raw materials, the supplement may help diminish anemia, which affects 21% of all children under 5 and 43% of pregnant women in Brazil.
Study shows that capsules covered in whey protein may protect lactobacilli against acid in the digestive tract, improving their potentially improving their efficacy.
Researchers at the Butantan Institute map a set of venom peptides from three species of genus Bothrops, including the jararaca, and find molecules with potential pharmacological activity.
A FAPESP initiative aims to establish collaborative projects between institutions in São Paulo and high-level researchers like Ruth and Victor Nussenzweig from New York University, who will coordinate a project at Unifesp.