A Brazilian study will allow scientists to control the properties of materials used to produce electronic nanocircuits. The study was on the cover of Physical Review Letters.
Patients in critical condition who have undergone several blood transfusions or previous transplants have a high risk of complications and should not be eligible for transplantation, affirms a study published in Liver Transplantation.
Built for research, GNSS-SP will also contribute to improving the application of GNSS technology in areas such as precision agriculture and weather forecasting.
The "ecological footstep" of the compounds is increasing, according to a study that evaluated the usage standards of large and small producers. The article was published by the Royal Society.
FAPESP receives a delegation from the Biotechnology and Biosciences Research Council; some areas of interest under study are partnerships in bioenergy and biotechnology.
A document produced by Boeing, Embraer and FAPESP describes opportunities and challenges for more sustainable development of biofuels for aircraft in Brazil.
Lawrence Goldstein of UCSD transforms skin cells into neurons with a pluripotent induction technique to investigate what happens in the brains of people with the disease.
The National Immigration Council has passed several resolutions that will reduce the stumbling blocks for granting work visas and should help attract researchers, professors and foreign students, say specialists.
The evaluation of temporomandibular articulation during standard dental check-ups could help prevent effects related to biting and chewing, says study.
Study identified the best harvest period and ideal storage temperature for increasing the feasibility of consumption of the Amazon fruits camu-camu, bacupari and abiu.
Members of the group that works on the identification of people killed in the Araguaia War in Brazil explain how their area of specialization can reveal fundamental clues that can aid in solving crimes.
Scientists prove that it is possible to transform the adult cells of carriers of the genetic mutation that causes the disease into pluripotent stem cells. The objective is to induce differentiation in blood stem cells for transplantation.
A pioneer in research on malaria, Ruth Nussenzweig of New York University will also return to research in Brazil with FAPESP funding, along with her husband Victor.
Hormones produced during gestation induce chromatin remodeling and the reprogramming of the genes in mammary cells, according to a study conducted by scientists in Brazil and the United States.
Nature highlights a project conceived by Thomas Lovejoy, a cooperative effort by Inpa and the Smithsonian to study the influence of deforestation on fauna and flora in the Amazon Forest.
The formula for the cement allows the cement industry to reduce CO2 emissions, increase efficiency and reduce the concentration of cement in the composition of concrete and mortar.
FAPESP announced the 17 new Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers selected for funding for a period of up to eleven years. Total funding will be more than US$ 680 million.
The results indicate major genetic variation and simultaneous circulation of different strains, which increases the risk of epidemics and makes the creation of vaccines more difficult.
A groundbreaking course aims to create an internationally competitive program for professional training for companies, the government and universities.