If the outcome is positive, we may be creating a new way to foster and promote science in Brazil by using a fast-track model for emergencies, says Paolo Zanotto, coordinator of the Zika Network.
One option would be to insert a gene that codes for a key protein in zika virus into the dengue vaccine virus. Another would be to create an attenuated zika virus.
Scientific instruments on board a stratospheric balloon is circumnavigating Antarctica to capture energy from solar flares at the highest frequencies ever measured in this kind of observation.
Article published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research shows more severe psychiatric and metabolic conditions in patients with bipolar disorder and low levels of adiponectin.
Study evaluated effects of aluminum and cadmium on tomato plants and used grafting to investigate how one part of a plant signals stress caused by heavy metals to the other.
The bright ultra metal-poor star is a relic of the primitive universe. It was identified by astronomers from the University of São Paulo using telescopes in the Atacama Desert.
A pioneering study found that older adults in good physical and mental health continued to display normal cognitive performance in terms of memory, attention and reaction time even at an ambient temperature of 32°C.
This state of matter, produced in the world's largest particle colliders, is believed to correspond to the contents of the universe a fraction of a second after the Big Bang.
Findings of research conducted at the University of São Paulo and published in Cell can help evaluate the prognosis of patients with central nervous system tumors and improve treatment protocols.
Coxiella burnetii, the bacterium that causes Q fever, secretes a protein to trick the immune system. This discovery may pave the way for new treatments against sepsis.
Agreement signed by FAPESP's Rede ANSP will enable Brazil's astronomy community to access data from the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, under construction in Chile.
In an article published by npj Schizophrenia, researchers at the University of Campinas in Brazil identify proteins that appear to explain why some patients respond better to antipsychotics.
Using notes and sketches left by the great British naturalist, a Swedish biologist and a Brazilian colleague have described specimens lost when Wallace was shipwrecked.
A study by Turkish and Brazilian researchers, published in Scientific Reports (Nature), suggests that contextuality could be key to the efficiency of quantum computing.
A study performed at the University of São Paulo shows that cellular immunity is just as important as the production of antibodies, if not more so, for the control of dengue virus infection.
FAPESP and the European Union will receive proposals for collaborative research projects between May 11 and September 8, 2016. Up to €10 million in funding has been budgeted.
In experiments with animals, a Cleveland Clinic research group shows that DBS assists formation of new synapses and neurons, bolstering motor rehabilitation.
More than 6,000 cases of malaria were recorded in Brazil between 2007 and 2014 outside the Amazon. Late diagnosis and treatment may explain the high proportions of severe malaria and deaths in non-endemic areas.
Following the approval of a new global climate agreement, countries must create the political, economic, scientific and technological conditions to implement INDCs.
The change, evidenced in a study published in Nature Geoscience by researchers working for the Green Ocean Amazon experiment, impairs cloud formation and bioavailability of forest nutrients
An article published in Physical Review Letters describes the results of a groundbreaking experiment performed by researchers in Brazil, Ireland and Germany on the arrow of time, a fundamental property of the universe