Iandumoema smeagol is the third species of its genus to be described and the first without eyes. A scientific paper published by Brazilian researchers made headline news in Time, USA Today and the Washington Post.
In tests performed with experimental models and cultured cells, green tea and cocoa have been found capable of preventing or reversing damage to kidneys and retinas in diabetics.
The São Paulo State Government in Brazil has selected 15 technology startups with innovative business plans in areas considered priorities for the state, such as health, education and citizens' facilities.
The platform was developed as part of BIPMed, the Brazilian Initiative on Precision Medicine, an effort promoted by members of five research centers supported by FAPESP.
White paper to be issued in March 2016 by Brazilian members of IPBES aims to promote engagement by showing why biodiversity and ecosystem services are key to sustainable development.
Researchers correlated two different types of electromagnetic emission associated with the phenomenon – radio bursts and extreme ultraviolet waves. Coronal mass ejections can disrupt telecommunications.
Group studied 20 generations of a single population of Aedes aegypti, observing high rates of genetic variability that enable the mosquito to adapt to adverse factors.
Reintroduction of large mammals into ecosystems could be an effective conservation strategy, according to an article published in PNAS by an international group of researchers.
The models have been developed at the Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry, which is funded by FAPESP, and they are being tested by banks, insurers and e-commerce retailers.
A study of interactions among plant organs shows that plants suffering water stress as climate change advances are protected by rising levels of atmospheric CO2.
Study published in Cell by researchers from Brazil and the United States suggests inducing overexpression of the Jagged1 gene can prevent the development of degenerative disease.
Groundbreaking initiatives in fourth-generation synchrotron light – Sirius, under construction at Campinas, São Paulo State, and Sweden's Max IV – were presented at an event on scientific cooperation.
Educational activities organized by the Obesity and Comorbidities Research Center supply students from public schools with information about food and its implications for health.
This was one of the main conclusions reached by researchers participating in meetings hosted by FAPESP on issues that will be discussed during COP21 in December.
Economic losses due to rising sea levels and storm surges associated with extreme weather events could reach almost R$2 billion in São Paulo State's most important port city unless adaptive measures are implemented.
A study presented at FAPESP's headquarters and conducted by researchers in Brazil and elsewhere served as a basis for the proposal to be taken to COP21.
The impact of new technology on the way we live and work was discussed at an event that brought together German and Brazilian researchers at FAPESP's headquarters.
Structures produced by researchers at University of São Paulo and Harvard show potential to enhance efficiency of systems that require highly sensitive detection of light or radiation.
Research priorities were discussed by Keith Carter, senior advisor at PAHO-WHO, and other experts during the São Paulo School of Advanced Sciences on Malaria Eradication.
People who live in metropolitan São Paulo take half an hour longer than necessary on average to commute between home and work. Eliminating this excess would add 2.83% to Brazil's GDP.
Study suggests arrival of felids in North America may have caused disappearance of up to 40 species of the family to which modern dogs, wolves and coyotes belong.
In an article published in Scientific Reports, researchers from Brazil, the UK and Sweden report alterations in sleep patterns and melatonin production in workers in Xapuri, Acre State, northern Brazil.
The contribution of renewable energy sources will need to increase if Brazil is to fulfill its pledge to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 43% in 2030 compared with 2005.
Progress achieved in recent decades, such as the improvement in life expectancy, could be reversed by continuous rapid biodiversity and ecosystem losses, warn two landmark global reports.
Because of its high rotation rate, a Be star is oblate and ejects matter to form a plasma disk around it. The physics that describes these disks can be used to explain the genesis of our planetary system.