The study shows that the 2019-20 drought resulted from a natural meteorological phenomenon similar to the one that caused the 2014-16 critical water shortage in São Paulo state, Southeast Brazil.
The call aims to advance knowledge of the societal effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and solutions to mitigate them. The submission deadline is July 12. Eligibility checking ends June 14.
A research group at São Paulo State University (UNESP) analyzed how Candida albicans fungi and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria influence gene expression and tumor cell survival.
The study was conducted in a Brazilian national park and was based on analysis of tree rings in the species Amburana cearensis, as well as satellite images.
With support from FAPESP via its program to fund innovative research, the startup has developed a rejuvenating serum based on bioactives obtained from sweet wormwood, a plant used in traditional Chinese medicine.
Brazilian researchers studied the case of identical twins in which only one sibling was reinfected and developed complications after a second exposure to the virus. Their analysis showed that the adaptive immune response can be different even between individuals with the same genome.
The study showed that interdisciplinary action facilitates weight loss, improves quality of life and eating behavior, and reduces symptoms of depression.
A call for proposals issued jointly with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee selected the new research centers, which will focus on health, agriculture, manufacturing, and smart cities.
Trials performed by researchers at the University of São Paulo with healthy young adults show that the right level of protein intake is the key to muscle health, regardless of protein source.
Strategies to increase funding for action-oriented research that helps make societies and economies more resilient, equitable and sustainable were the focus for the Second Global Forum of Funders, held online on April 26-28.
Workers with blood lead levels below the legal ceiling in Brazil expressed a microRNA associated with a decrease in DNA methylation, a physiological process required for the organism to be in balance. However, known clinical manifestations occur when levels are high.
This is the main finding of a study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases. The authors analyzed blood samples collected in a town in the Brazilian Amazon before and after the first wave of the pandemic to detect the presence of antibodies against dengue virus and SARS-CoV-2.
A study by scientists at a FAPESP-supported research center analyzed genetic material from 86 couples in which only one spouse was infected. The results suggest that more frequent variants in the resistant spouses could lead to more efficient activation of natural killer (NK) cells, which are part of the innate immune system, the first barrier against infection.
The research group created a virus capable of acting on specific adult brain regions, helping to elucidate the role of key neurons in the prefrontal cortex. They tested the technique on mice.
Conclusion was drawn from a study that involved 92 adolescents aged 11-18. The findings underscore the importance of considering differences between the sexes when treatment is planned.
Whole mitochondrial DNA sequencing of the three extant species of the aquatic mammal shows that they first split from their common ancestor after geological events isolated the South American region from the sea. The African species may have originated in migration borne by marine currents.
A review article by Brazilian researchers shows that alterations in the defense cell metabolism may explain why many patients who survive sepsis die within a year or suffer from long-term complications
Brazilian scientists conducted preclinical trials to test membranes produced from mesenchymal stem cells that can differentiate to cartilage and promote local immunoregulation.
A mutation in the variant’s spike protein is associated with glycosylation, which prevents antibodies from binding strongly to the virus. If the discovery is confirmed by further research, it could serve as a basis for future vaccines that are more effective against novel variants.
According to researchers affiliated with the University of São Paulo, these indicators can orient preventive care for the most vulnerable and rehabilitation for survivors who suffer from long-term complications.
In an article published in PLOS ONE, scientists at a FAPESP-supported research center describe the impact of hypoproteinemia on the expression of microRNAs associated with kidney development in rat embryos.
Researchers at the University of Campinas in Brazil reveal the mechanisms whereby SARS-CoV-2 disrupts the regulation of inflammation, coagulation and blood pressure when it infects alveolar cells, responsible for gas exchange in the lungs.
Researchers analyzed the effects of wildfires on plant cover and soil quality in the last 40 years. The findings of the study show that the forest is highly vulnerable even in well-conserved areas far from the ‘deforestation arc’.
Sample collection is much easier and less invasive. Self-collecting is feasible, depending on the child’s age. Schools should reopen only with mass testing to keep track of asymptomatic cases, the researchers argue.
People with diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus are more likely to have heart attacks, angina, and strokes. A review of the scientific literature on the subject shows that regular exercise improves vascular function in these patients.
A multinational research group used data from São Paulo to perform calculations which suggest that even a minor reduction in the city’s mobility – equivalent to a rise from 45% to 50% in the social distancing index – correlates with a considerable fall in new infections and deaths after a few days.
A simple and affordable solution developed by researchers at the University of São Paulo and a Nigerian collaborator eliminates even multi-resistant bacteria. Clay, papaya seeds and banana peel are among the raw materials used by the group.
Butterflies are considered a key biological indicator of trends in the biome. The study quantified the contributions of landscape and climate variables to current species distribution patterns.
An electrical impedance tomography system developed by a Brazilian company enabled critical care staff at a hospital run by Harvard University to adopt individualized mechanical ventilation strategies and reduced the need for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) therapy
A study by researchers at São Paulo State University reinforces the idea that environmental and climate-related changes resulting from the Andean uplift triggered a revolution in the caste system of these paper wasps.
A clinical trial was conducted by researchers at the University of São Paulo with 240 patients who were given 200,000 IU of vitamin D3 on admission to hospital. The supplementation did not reduce length of stay or affect the proportion requiring intensive care.
Resonant-tunneling diodes are used in high-frequency oscillators, wave emitters and detectors, logic gates, photodetectors, and optoelectronic circuits. The study was a collaboration between Brazilian and German researchers.
A total of BRL 18.5 million will be allocated to funding for collaborative projects by researchers in the state of São Paulo with colleagues in other countries. Proposals must be submitted not later than July 10.
Researchers analyzed almost 30,000 RT-PCR tests on swabs from 4,269 players in 2020: 11.7% turned out positive. The rate was the same as among front-line health workers.
Researchers conducted the first large-scale survey of the microbiota present in the seamount’s ferromanganese crusts, describing bacteria and archaea involved in the nutrient cycle and formation of metals. Brazil has mineral exploration rights to the Rise, but mining there will have a major environmental impact.
A study led by researchers at the University of Campinas reinforces the need for prevention and follow-up treatment starting in early childhood to avoid development of this inflammatory disease of the gums.
The new cutoff values for a metric widely used by geriatricians, physical therapists and nutritionists are more accurate, facilitate early diagnosis and contribute to preventive treatment.
The law disciplines Brazil’s actions as a provider but not as a user of genetic resources from other countries, researcher Bráulio Dias noted during an online seminar held by FAPESP.
A study by the University of São Paulo has discovered that when macrophages engulf cells infected by the novel coronavirus, they begin producing excessive amounts of pro-inflammatory molecules, and their capacity to recognize and phagocytize dead cells is reduced twelvefold.
Brazilian researchers monitoring the population of metropolitan São Paulo have reported atypical cases in which SARS-CoV-2 continues to replicate in the organism for longer than the recommended isolation period.
The scientists detected incapacities related to gait timing and foot placement. Their discoveries serve as a basis for the development of an exercise protocol that mitigates the difficulty.
By means of specific biomarkers, a diagnostic test developed by the Brazilian startup Onkos shows whether a lump in the gland is benign or malignant, reducing the risk of unnecessary surgery.
Brazilian researchers treated cells infected by SARS-CoV-2 with compounds produced by gut microbiota from dietary fiber. The intervention did not mitigate viral replication but reduced expression of a gene that plays a key role in viral entry into cells and a receptor involved in the inflammatory process.